In truth, we never know what’s going to come our way.
The future is uncertain, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make the most out of a situation once it hits. This lesson is being learned the hard way during the COVID-19 pandemic as the entire business world is simultaneously disrupted.
The crisis is causing constant hiccups to happen here and there, but they’re quickly turning into big problems. Our highly interdependent world is feeling the impacts everywhere – even in the least expected places.
Resultantly, it’s painstakingly clear that we truly are all in this together. It’s up to all of us to do what we can instead of watching the pandemic get worse without lending out a helping hand.
One of the most important lessons for us all is to learn how to pivot during a crisis. When all the plans suddenly fall away, our value is tested by our ability to come up with a new strategy in response to what’s happening here and now.
We’re seeing this happen all around the world. Whether it’s with companies suddenly shifting their focus to produce high-necessity products that can help the world get by, or team’s trying to stay afloat during this difficult time for business; it seems like everyone is making 90 degree turns in response to COVID-19.
Let’s take another look at how the world is responding to the crisis at hand, and what lessons we can learn about the value of adaptability, resilience, and unwavering hope.
Responding to Global Needs
As the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the global supply chain, shortages on common goods are becoming a new norm. Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, disinfectants, and other things the world usually takes for granted have been the first things to fly off the shelves – and, unfortunately, not get restocked.
Even more alarming than sold-out stores are the necessities needed to keep companies up and running. Face-masks and gloves are the two biggest requirements to help warehouses stay open, the workforce healthy, and resultantly, provide endless access to the items that people need.
In efforts to stop the spread of scarcity, many different companies and manufacturers are responding to the needs of the world and making immediate moves to supply these high-demand products… and the teamwork is nothing short of amazing.
Ventilator production by car manufactures and appliance brands have skyrocketed to ensure that ill citizens get the medical attention they need. Alcohol and perfume factories are switching gears to make hand sanitizer. Fashion brands are pumping out protective facemasks for hospital staff.
It’s this kind of innovation and dedication to the collective wellbeing that will keep us moving forward no matter what comes our way.
A Complete Shift in Business Modules
Obviously, companies like Ford and Dyson are not big-name medical equipment companies, nor are retailers Zara and H&M antibacterial mask producers. These brands have all taken a big step fueled by confidence, responsibility, and support.
For everyone involved in the global effort towards safety and security, these efforts have marked a major shift in business modules. This is a pivotal area where businesses are putting their own personal gains aside and using their presence in warehousing and production to shift the tide of COVID-19’s impact.
Stay Calm, Creative, and Optimistic
The only way we’re going to bend the curve of this coronavirus pandemic is to stay calm and find strategic solutions to what we’re facing. We can do this. Remain flexible, be ready to help where you can, and don’t be afraid to change.