How to Work Better Together with Commercial Real Estate Tech

Does your team work together smoothly – even when working remotely? Or, are communication and collaboration a challenge?

Working well together is essential to you and your team’s success. If you don’t operate efficiently as a team, you’ll drop deals and lose clients. It’s hard to manage a big book of business and large network of clients effectively when your team struggles to communicate. And if you don’t know who’s working on what, you’re bound to step on each other’s toes.

As such, some deals and clients aren’t given the attention they need – potentially costing you millions in lost deals. What’s worse, your tech-enabled competitors who use tech for great teamwork can swoop in and take deals that should have been yours.

How can you work better together to win more deals and retain clients? By using CRE tech that makes collaboration a breeze. Read on to learn how.

Step 1: Streamline Communication

Good communication is essential to teamwork. So, it’s important to have ways to make communication easy – instead of a chore.

In the age of mass remote work, it’s even harder to communicate. When you need to communicate with your team, you likely send an email, text, or maybe even call them. You can’t simply drop by your teammate’s desk or hold a quick, in-person sync while they’re in the office. Instead, you have to schedule a video call to speak to them face to face.

But, these methods make it easy for you and your team to lose track of messages. While your team may miss mundane messages, they could also fail to see an important email or text about a client ready to act. Missing that communication could be the difference between winning a multimillion-dollar deal – and losing it to your more tech-savvy competitors.

How can you communicate with your team better to ensure deals don’t fall through the cracks? Use CRE tech that streamlines communication. A CRE tech tool can centralize your communication in one place, such as a newsfeed view. That way, you and your team always know what’s happening at any given time.

You no longer have to hunt through inboxes, text messages, or even voicemails to stay connected with each other. Instead, you have one platform that handles all your communication needs. So, you have more time to focus on winning deals – helping you maximize your earnings.

Step 2: Use a Dashboard to Increase Visibility

There are seemingly endless moving parts in your team’s operations. To work better together, you and your team need visibility into everything that goes on, like all of the deals each team member is working.

This is even more important as a team leader. To find out what everyone is working on in the current remote work environment, you have to email, text, or call them to learn about their deals and any progress they’ve made.

This lack of visibility makes it hard to make sure your team is working efficiently. You want the right person working the right deals or pieces of a deal based on expertise. But, without visibility, it can be time-consuming to make sure the right team member is working on the right task. That makes it harder to close lucrative deals efficiently and effectively.

And while you’re not using your team to their fullest potential, your tech-enabled competitors can make sure every aspect of their deals are completed in a timely manner by the right people. This can help them win deals you’ve been chasing. Not only are you potentially losing millions – you’ve also wasted time you could have spent on other deals.

How can you get greater visibility into your team’s daily activities? By using CRE tech that has dashboards. Dashboards allow you to see exactly what every team member is working on quickly and in one place. If the right people aren’t working on the right deals or pieces of a deal, you can easily reassign tasks – helping your team work better together. And ultimately, helping you close more deals.

Step 3: Generate Team Reports

Along with visibility, you also need analysis on every team member’s performance to help them maximize productivity and work better together.

You hope every team member is working hard and pulling their weight. But, especially during remote work, it can be difficult to know what’s getting done and hold people accountable. If multiple team members are working on a deal, it’s hard to know if each team member put in an equal amount of work. Or if each team member is completing their tasks in the right time frame to move deal progress forward.

But, if every team member isn’t working hard, it can lead to low team morale. The team members who do work hard might not receive the recognition they deserve – so they have little incentive to keep working hard. This can lead to you potentially losing strong performers and therefore winning fewer deals and eventually having a dry deal pipeline.

While your team battles low morale, your tech-enabled competitors are able to see exactly how every team member is performing. So, they can reward hard workers and identify underperformers to see what training they might need to grow and improve and contribute to deals in a positive way.

How can you effectively monitor your team’s efforts? CRE tech makes it easy to generate reports on every team member. With a CRE tech tool, you can quickly look at team performance and activity metrics. That way, you know who is under and over performing.

And, you can encourage hard workers while correcting underperforming team members. This not only increases team morale. It also increases your team’s deal volume – and how much you earn.

Wrapping It Up

Collaboration is essential to having a well-run team that consistently meets and exceeds your expectations. But, it can be hard to ensure collaboration is happening when everyone’s working on different deals. And, when most are working remotely.

However, if your team doesn’t work well together, it can cost you deals – possibly a once in a lifetime deal. And, it can make it hard to retain clients – cutting into your referral business and forcing you to spend more time looking for new business.

To help your team work better together, you should use CRE tech that streamlines communication. And, use a tech tool that improves visibility into you and your team’s deal pipelines. Plus, your tech should make it easy to see the performance of every team member – to maximize overall business performance and revenue.


Content by: NAI Global